Schools Geology Challenge – Finalists!

During the Autumn term, our Y12 Geology students worked hard on planning, researching and compiling their competition entries for the 2024 Schools Geology Challenge, organised by The Geological Society. With the support of Mrs Crossland and Mrs Town, final submissions were made by both teams “The Geology of Architecture” by Dan S, Will H, Ben H and Luke F and “Forensic Geology” by Max F, Archie B, Luca M and Charlie P. We are delighted that the entries have received excellent feedback from the panel of judges, commending teams on their “incredible website design, great scientific content and being able to engage with their audience.” The website created around the Geology of Architecture has earned the team a place in the National Finals which will be hosted at Burlington House, London – the home of the Geological Society. This is a super opportunity for our students to meet other young Geologists from around the country, apply their knowledge to different problem solving tasks and prepare final presentations to a panel of leading Geoscientists.

Congratulations to our students and we wish them the very best of luck for the finals. Please take a browse through their winning website here.

Mrs Town, Geography

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