Geologists miss top spot at Royal Geological Society

After posing the question ‘Can Carbon Capture and Storage save the world?’, our Year 12 Geologists were invited to the Royal Geological Society to compete in the final of the National Schools Geology Challenge, at Burlington House in London.

“On Thursday 24 March, five Year 12 geologists had the privilege of travelling to Burlington House, Piccadilly (the home of the Royal Geological Society) to represent Blue Coat as one of ten finalists at the National Schools Challenge. The teams were treated to enthusiastic and interesting talks from the three judges, industry geologists in the fields of renewable energy, engineering and hydrogeology. They were then set their main problem solving activity for the day, which was to design, locate and cost both a surface and underground secure facility, with the purpose of containing high risk radioactive waste. The team worked hard through varied supporting resources, such as geological maps, rock specimens and costings to ensure their project plan remained within the budget, in the most appropriate location.

Having considered and justified their ideas on paper, the teams had just four minutes to explain their proposal to the judges and the team pitched this with a very impressive level of geological knowledge and application, awareness of economics and confidence. Although we missed out on the trophy this time, Ed, Sam, Callum, Lewis and Alex could leave with their heads held high at how well they performed at such an applied problem solving activity, having achieved so much in making it to such the final of such a prestigious competition. This unique experience is sure to stand them in good stead as a future topic for discussion at relevant interviews, as they continue to pursue their passion for Geology.”

Mrs Poppy Town
Teacher of Geology and Geography

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