Summer Reading Challenge launched!

The RBCS 2018 Summer Reading Challenge is being launched this week to pupils and staff. Following on from the popular Book Bingo last summer, the Library team have come up with another challenge this year.

This summer, pupils and staff are being encouraged to complete a Book Passport. This involves travelling as many of the seven continents as possible through the world of literature. Tasks include: reading a fiction book, reading a non-fiction book, reading an article from National Geographic/National Geographic Kids, completing a short piece of research and cooking a tasty recipe! Of course there is a photo opportunity and a bonus task, too! Prizes and points are on offer to those who take part in the challenge.

Miss Knight, Head Librarian said: “The aim of the task is to keep pupils engaged in some reading over the holiday. Just 20 minutes of reading each day stimulates the mind, relaxes the brain and increases social skills such as empathy. Several studies have shown that pupils who read each day do better academically across the curriculum, achieving on average two grades better than those pupils who do not read each day.”

Several pupils have asked over the last few weeks if there will be another reading challenge this summer, but Library staff have given away very little! Mrs Carpenter, Assistant Librarian, said: “It was good to see so many pupils last year taking part in the summer reading challenge. The challenge this year is a little different, but we think pupils will find it just as fun!”

The Library team are looking forward to seeing the results in September. There is a display of suggested reads in the Library to provide some inspiration for pupils!

Copies of the challenge are available online or printed from the Library. Good luck and happy travels!

– Miss Claire Knight, Librarian

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