School passes Compliance Inspection with flying colours

We are pleased to announce that, following an inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate at the end of February, Blue Coat has met all standards without a single recommendation or action point given.

In a letter to parents regarding the inspection report, Headmaster Mr Elzinga said: “From my perspective, the inspection could not have gone better. I am confident that the inspectors gained a full sense of this happy school where young people are flourishing”.

Regulatory compliance inspections look at compliance only and, as such, report only on a school’s compliance with Independent School Standards regulations and those set out by the Department for Education. Should any requirements not be met, the inspectors specify actions that need to be taken by the school in order to meet those requirements.  Blue Coat is proud that everything is in fine working order and no further action is required.

The report is in eight parts, covering everything from quality of education; spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils; and welfare, health and safety of pupils – to suitability of staff, premises, provision of information, handling of complaints, and quality of leadership and management.

Comments in the Blue Coat inspection report highlight aspects of the our ethos that we are proud to have recognised.

With regard to quality of education: “The teaching enables pupils to make good progress, encompasses effective behaviour management and is supported by suitable resources.

With regard to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils: “Principles and values are actively promoted which facilitate the personal development of pupils as responsible, tolerant, law-abiding citizens.”

With regard to welfare, health and safety of pupils: “…good behaviour is promoted; bullying is prevented so far as reasonably practicable…there is a strategic approach to risk assessment. A disability plan is in place.”

Commenting on the fact that no further action is required by Blue Coat, following the inspection, the Headmaster said: “The inspectors may not have any recommendations for us, but I remain committed to making this School better every week, for the benefit of all the delightful young people in our care”.

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