International Women’s Day, 8th March 2023


Thank you to our students who, in assembly, informed and encouraged us to celebrate International Women’s Day.  Here is the transcript from their presentation.

History Of International Women’s Day – by Liam

International Women’s day started in 1911 after the idea was proposed in 1910. Over one million people had campaigned for women’s rights and in 1975 the United Nations celebrated International Women’s Day for the first time and in 1977, a resolution proclaimed a United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace.

Why Do We Celebrate It – by Nina

In a school with mainly male students, you may be asking yourself why are we celebrating International Women’s Day? Well, International Women’s Day is a globally recognised day, celebrating social, political and economic achievements of women, but it also acts as a call for further action. While here in the UK we have the privilege to live in a country where women are much closer to equal, many other countries haven’t made this progress yet, just think of the world Cup in Qatar this year! International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements, educate, raise awareness, and help make changes for women across the world. Each year International Women’s Day has a theme to help give a focus with past themes ranging from #choosetochallenge to #balanceforbetter.

Equality vs Equity – by Marton

This year’s theme is embracing equity, but what is equity, and how does it differ from equality? You may have seen this infographic before. Equality is the example on the left, giving everyone the same thing. As you can see, some people are still struggling to look over the fence. Equity on the other hand is the example on the right, equity gives the people the help that they need in order to access the same opportunities. Equity means creating a fair and equal world and must be embraced by society. We are all able to drive change, challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination and seek out inclusion. Allies are vital for the social, economic and political advancement of women. Collective activism is what drives change, and we must all #EmbraceEquity.

International Men’s Day – by George B

Unsurprisingly, ‘when is International Men’s Day’ is most searched on International Women’s Day, as we can see from the spike in March, every year. To avoid you having to look it up yourself, International Men’s Day is celebrated on November 19th annually accounting for the slight increase in searches during this month. International Men’s Day discusses the issues that men face that can be heavily stigmatised, such as men’s mental health and suicide.

What Can We Do As a School Do? – by Sebbie

As a school, we can uplift and empower the women surrounding us, celebrating all achievements and treating one another with respect. Just come along to SAFE society, to talk about things or just listen. Everyone is welcome to come along, regardless of gender. Though it may seem daunting at first, with mainly older students attending at the moment, be willing to make a change, be the trailblazer. Furthermore, as the school is working towards becoming a more inclusive environment for the incoming year 7 girls, it is vital that we elevate these students and it is important that you play your part.

The Future For Women – by Allie

There has been undeniable progress towards equality for women with more rights and impressive female role models to aspire to, and it may seem like women have gained equality, but there is still so much more to do. The gender pay gap is still prevalent and women are underrepresented in lots of different areas. Opportunities for women are reduced and they are subject to discrimination and violence every day.

In the past, women have frequently had their achievements underplayed with a commonly used example of this being Rosalind Franklin. After discovering the double helix her research was then, without permission, shared with James Watson and Francis Crick. The information from Franklin’s data was a key base for the research they published two years later. Watson and Crick received a Nobel Prize, Franklin received a half hearted reference.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg – by Bella R

One of my main role models is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, also known as the ‘notorious RBG’, who passed away in 2020. Her work paved the way for women’s rights in the US, and she was the second woman to be in the supreme court, serving for 27 years. RBG graduated from Cornell University, top of her class, then graduated from Columbia Law School, once again, top of her class.

A quote of hers I love is “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception”. To achieve true equality and equity, everyone must choose to make a difference, and women must be listened to and heard in all areas. Do your part to ensure the future for women is equal, safe and rewarding. After all, they are your mothers, sisters, daughters and friends and above all else, human. Thank you for listening.


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