A Levels 2023

A Level Results 2023

Press Release 17 August 2023

Reading Blue Coat School wants to congratulate the 2023 leavers on their excellent and hard-fought set of A Level results, which come on the back of a great deal of hard work and dedication from students and staff, alongside the invaluable support and encouragement from parents.

Headmaster Pete Thomas noted “With the pandemic’s disruption, these were the first full set of public examinations the pupils have sat and were always going to bring a heightened level of anxiety. The results that have been achieved really are something of which these young people can be rightly proud. They have attained almost 17% A* grades, which is the highest percentage in full public exams, and with over 42% gaining A*-A, they can hold their heads very high.”

This year group have been tremendous! The years have flown by, most of them having doubled in stature and confidence since they arrived and they have made the most of all the opportunities in and away from the classroom. We will miss them, but know that they leave with big horizons and life-long friends. Their potential to do great things is huge!

Deputy Head (Academic), Mr Rob Tidbury, said, “I am very proud of the hard work and dedication of our students and staff throughout the challenging last few years which have allowed them to rightly achieve the results they deserve”.

Deputy Head of School, Niamh Griffin of Cookham, is one of eight students to achieve three A*s and will head to Leeds to study Law. Since joining in the Sixth Form, Niamh has loved her sport, representing the School at netball and hockey and was awarded the Shirwan Cup at Speech Day for her academic contributions in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics. A particular highlight for her, as it is for so many pupils, was involvement in the musical ‘Billy Elliot’.

Niamh studied Geography, Psychology and Philosophy, Religion and Ethics.

Sergio Grannum, of Crowthorne, also secured a trio of A*s and will head to Cambridge to read Medicine. An active contributor to School life, Sergio was a Senior Prefect for the Aldworth Partnership, committed to service in the local community and beyond. His excellence in academics, notably Biology, was recently recognised with the award of the Allen Prize.

Sergio Grannum studied Biology, Chemistry and Further Maths. Congratulations also to Jadyn (3 As) who heads to Sheffield to study Dentistry.

Chris Parker, of Charvil, received two A*s and an A, securing his place at Oxford to read Materials Science. Dedicated in all he did, Chris recently received a prize for his work in Chemistry, and was jointly awarded the Bushnell Blades for his commitment to the Rowing Club over the last five years, which has seen increasing success.

Ben (A, A, B) heads to Exeter to study Geography. Chris will read Materials Science at Oxford. Callum (A*, A, A) will study Geology and is also heading to Exeter.

Another resident of Charvil, Olivia Tan, was thrilled with her three A*s and her place at LSE to read International Relations and Chinese. Olivia was an active student in the RBC community as a Senior Pastoral Prefect, loved her Geography and Politics and was a keen contributor to the performing arts at RBC, particularly as one of the School’s Dance Captains in February’s production of ‘Footloose’.

Olivia Tan studied Geography, Politics and Economics.

With a tremendous breadth of interest and depth of talent, we know this cohort will go on to make a really positive impact and we wish them every success.

Christian (A*, A*, A) is heading to Durham to study Physics.

Frances (A,C,C) is excited to be heading off to Leeds to study Drama. Alice (A*,A,A) will study Liberal Arts at Kings. Alex (A,A,B) is heading to Southampton to study Finance.

Beatrice (A*,A,B) will study Criminology at Exeter. George (A,A,B) will read Languages, also at Exeter.

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