1646 – Issue 4

8 1. August 2022 – Reading Blue Coat was delighted to celebrate another year of great exam results , testament to the commitment and hard work by both students and staff, coupled with amazing parental support. 2. September 2022 – Our Newcomers’ Concert showcased the fantastic musical talents of our new students who joined the School in Years 7, 9 and 12. It was wonderful to be entertained by the impressive standard of performances which ranged from vocals to piano, alto sax, trumpet, violin and drums. 3. October 2022 – The half-term concluded with the House Cross-Country competition . Plenty of fun was had by all the runners – including the House mascots! Congratulations to West who were overall winners. 4. November 2022 – Our Year 13 Geography students had an incredible trip to Iceland over half term. Highlights were seeing the Northern Lights, swimming in the Blue Lagoon, walking on the Solheimajokull Glacier, visiting the Thingvellir and the Reykjanes Peninsula. A truly unforgettable experience! 5. November 2022 – This month, we were also very proud that a number of our students, led by Miss Plowman, completed the Diana Award Anti- Bullying Ambassador Programme . Founded by HRH The Prince of Wales, the programme equips students and staff with the tools needed to tackle bullying behaviour head on, helping to transform a school’s approach to anti-bullying and create a safer, kinder school community. 6. December 2022 – Students and staff enjoyed a number of festive celebrations, including the School Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day . The festivities concluded with the Carol Service at St. Andrew’s Church in Sonning, led by our very own School Chaplain – Rev. Kate Wakeman-Toogood. 7. January 2023 – The whole school celebrated our Equality and Inclusion Day and we were thrilled to welcome Mr Floyd Steadman OBE who provided the main focus of the day with talks and Q&A sessions on unconscious bias. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Round - up