1646 – Issue 4

6 We hope that you have heard about our fundraising campaign ‘Defined by Vision, United by Ambition’. Through this campaign we plan to raise £4,000,000 to create more life changing Foundation Scholarship places for more deserving young people. We are immensely grateful to our Old Blues, parents and friends who have generously contributed, allowing us to make a Blue Coat education more accessible. We hope that more of our Old Blue community will become part of this group of philanthropists and take the opportunity to help change someone’s life. You know better than anyone what it means to be part of our community and what better way to give back then by donating to your old school. We know that times are tough right now with a cost of living crisis ongoing and we are aware that we are asking at a time of uncertainty for many people. But this means there has never been a more important and relevant time to be asking for your help as more families are struggling to make ends meet, we want to help nurture the great minds of tomorrow so that they go on to reap the rewards our great School will give them. Just as you have gone on to achieve great things so will they, but we need your help. We are delighted to receive major gifts to the campaign, but we also welcome smaller, regular donations and many people have opted to give a monthly direct debit to the School. You can set up a direct debit by using theQR code or via the website. If you would like to give a one off gift, please do so via the enclosed form or using the QR code provided. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our donors who have chosen to donate to the campaign. We are so grateful to you all for helping to change the Blue Coat landscape for the better and look forward to thanking you in person very soon. You will also see more information on our legacy giving society, the Richard Aldworth Society on page 7. This group has continued to grow over the years and we hope that some of you may consider becoming a part of it as well. We believe that following in the footsteps of our founder, Richard Aldworth and leaving a gift to the School in your Will is a truly selfless act and means that your legacy can live on for generations to come. I leave you with some quotes from some of our amazing donors in the hope that they will inspire you as they have me and perhaps help you consider whether youmight join them in becoming a benefactor to Reading Blue Coat. Sarah Bunnell-Pyper Foundation Director “Our children were so fortunate to have had a Reading Blue Coat education. It set them up as rounded,considerate, ambitious young people who are thriving post school and they had such fun and made great friends along the way. We donated to “Defined by Vision, United by Ambition’ in the aspiration that this gift of education can be available to others who are not be able to afford it.” Amanda Heath, Past Parent “When I passed the Entrance Examination to Aldworth’s Hospital (RBCS) I was awarded a full scholarship. On starting school I found myself in Aldworth House and in those days we scholarship pupils were called “Foundationers”. After twelve months as a day boy I had the option to board which I readily accepted and was allocated to Aldworth dormitory….By leaving a gift in my Will in response to the Defined by Vision United by Ambition campaign, I am helping to repay the benefits I received and have thus become a proud member of the prestigious Richard Aldworth Society – my Aldworth journey is almost complete.” Robert Faulkner (1950) “As parents and grandparents of former Reading Blue Coat students, we were pleased to contribute towards the financing of Foundation Scholarships available at this wonderful school which did so much for our family. We hope that by increasing the number of these scholarships the opportunities enjoyed by our children may be offered to those from future generations who, without financial assistance, would be unable to benefit from the unique start in life offered at Reading Blue Coat.” John and Alison Gray, Past Parents Set up a monthly direct debit Make a one off gift A MESSAGE FROM THE FOUNDATION OFFICE Robert Faulkner (1950)