1646 – Issue 4

The Headmaster and the Foundation Office are delighted to announce our event programme for this academic year, providing a host of opportunities to welcome Old Blues back to the School and reconnect with one another. Many of the events are already bookable by scanning the QR codes below. Alternatively, if you would like to reserve a place at any of the events listed, or get involved with helping to organise an event, please contact the Foundation Manager, Louise Smith at lms@rbcs.org.uk . We very much look forward to hosting the following events and the opportunity to catch up with many of you throughout the year: Line up 1 3 S E P T EMB E R ‘ 2 3 0 2 DE C EMB E R ‘ 2 3 Donor Carol Service This invitation- only event is for donors who have generously given to the School and the Defined by Vision United by Ambition Bursary Campaign 2 3 S E P T EMB E R ‘ 2 3 1 6 S E P T EMB E R ‘ 2 3 1 4 OC TOB E R ‘ 2 3 London Networking Evening 20 Year Reunion 2003 Leavers Pre-1979 Lunch Leavers up to 1979 30 Year Reunion 1993 Leavers 3 2