1646 – Issue 4

16 Anthony where did you go to study after leaving Blue Coat? I went to King James’ of Henley Sixth Form College and after that to Berkshire College of Art (I was accepted directly onto the second year of a two year Graphic Design Diploma course). You made a career change from copywriter in London to freelance illustrator and cartoonist in Barcelona, tell us about that? Since leaving school I feel I’ve always been on a clear path towards creativity, though with many twists and turns, changes and variations along the way. I started off as a copywriter in the London advertising agency Young and Rubicam in 1988 working as part of a creative team with my fellow art director James Ellis, who also went to Blue Coat! (in the year above me). I worked there for 4 years. An amazing and very intense experience working on some great campaigns for clients such as Adidas, KFC, Smirnoff and Sugar Puffs (I penned the line ‘You’ll go monster-mad for the honey’ and ‘I want my Honey!’, causing kids to burst into Honey Monsters!). At this early stage I learnt a lot Editor Louise Smith caught up with Anthony Garner (1984), to find out where life has taken him since leaving Reading Blue Coat. INTERVIEW WITH : A NtHONY G ARNE R