1646 – Issue 3

5 What’s been happening at RBC 6. June 2021 – The traditional Leavers’ Day celebration was as fun an affair as ever; pupils in costumes enjoyed games and collected their leavers’ hoodies and yearbooks. 7. July 2021 – Their final celebration at Blue Coat for the Year 13 Leavers took part on the same evening as the England v Ukraine game in the delayed 2021 UEFA Euros. It may go without saying, but their time spent at Blue Coat was not the only celebration to be had that evening! 8. August 2021 – Despite a slight postponement, Blue Coat sent a team to compete at Henley Royal Regatta . They gained a win against Pangbourne College, but were gracious in defeat against Eton College. 9. September 2021 – The School announced that, from September 2023, the first girls would be welcomed into Year 7 . By 2027, there will be girls in every year group! 10. October 2021 – We were so pleased to host our first Open Morning in two years ! In 2020, the School curated a virtual online open event, but by October 2021, restrictions had eased enough to allow prospective pupils and their parents to come and see the School. 11. November 2021 – Likewise, it was fantastic to host our annual Family Fireworks event , which was greatly missed in 2020. Many thanks to Old Blue Chris Clarke (1998) and to Sonning Fireworks for the incredible display. 12. December 2021 – The School was proud to raise £3,542 for Launchpad Reading! Sixth Form students took part in the Big Sleep Out, in which pupils camp out for the night, with nothing more than cardboard and sleeping bags to keep them warm through one of the coldest nights of the year. 13. January 2022 – It was a true honour to receive the Rt Hon Theresa May MP , who spoke at the Sixth Form special on Friday 28 Jan 2022. 14. February 2022 – The long awaited Whole School Musical production of Billy Elliot was a roaring success. More than 80 pupils and staff were involved. 15. March 2022 – Reading Blue Coat were delighted to receive the Rainbow Flag Award for positive LGBT+ inclusion and visibility; made possible because of our supportive governors and parents; our pastoral support and vocal students. Pictured are the Newton Society, the School’s LGBT+ inclusion group. 16. April 2022 – With the introduction of a new house “Norwood” and the re-instatement of house “West” a Year 8 team building bowling night was called for to foster a bond between the new houses. 17. May 2022 – An incredible student-led concert took place at the School to raise money for Ukraine. Performers from all non-exam year groups came together to produce two hours of highly entertaining and electrifying music. 18. June 2022 – Activities Week this year was action packed, with raft building on the River Wye; hiking in the Brecon Beacons; abseiling in the Peak District and surfing in Devon to name just a few of the adventures enjoyed by students...and staff!! 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18