1646 – Issue 3

our community O N E R E A D I N G B L U E C O A T A MESSAGE FROM THE HEADMA STER Reading Blue Coat has undergone many changes since the School’s foundation was laid in Richard Aldworth’s Will of 1646 and we began our journey. When we moved to Holme Park from Reading following WW2, Blue Coat was a school of 150 boys, 90 of whom were boarders, with just 12 staff (including Bernard Inge, the Headmaster). Girls joined the Sixth Form in 1987 and boarding ceased in 2001. Today, with over 800 students and 200 Operations and Teaching staff, we have grown too. Change is inevitable. It is also essential; imagine a Blue Coat, or any school, continuing to educate pupils with Victorian methods! But, whilst it must come, not all changes are good and it is important to differentiate between essential principles that should remain and particular practices which could, if desired, be changed. This year we have been keen to articulate five core values of aspiration, compassion, courage, integrity and service. All of these were needed to establish the School and they are essentials to be expected, encouraged and developed so that they help to shape a Blue Coat student’s life, both at school and beyond. In the summer itwas reported that the School has plans to change again, extending the co-educational provision as we welcome girls into Year 7. This is absolutely true! An item for Governor consideration for some time, I am delighted that we will begin working towards complete co-education from September 2023. Having a mixed Sixth Form is fantastic, but to learn to support and encourage, challenge and compete together throughout adolescence will be even better. For almost all our joiners into Year 7 it will also be a very natural progression, with over 95% of our feeder schools at Year 7 being co-educational themselves. Extending co-education is a very significant change, but one that is right for the pupils and for the School. There are many changes that come with the development: a gradual and slight increase in the size of the School over the coming years; a further broadening of the co-curricular opportunities that run alongside work being done on the academic and pastoral pillars; infrastructure and facility improvements. All the changes will benefit the whole community. In March we celebrated a special moment in the School’s history, launching Blue Coat’s first ever fundraising campaign to raise £4million over the next 10 years to increase our bursary provision. I am excited to be starting this journey and know that our community will rise to the challenge. Blue Coat was created with opportunities at its heart and now, you too can be part of someone’s life changing journey. There are many ways you can get involved and I invite you to visit the “Defined by Vision, United by Ambition” Campaign page on our website or get in contact with Sarah or Louise in the Foundation Office on foundation@rbcs.org.uk or 0118 933 5875 who would be delighted to chat with you. Covid’s impact on somany schools and businesses has been significant and varied. At Blue Coat, whilst we have weathered it well, we know that the sustained crisis of the last two years will undoubtedly uncover or create further difficulties to which we need to respond; Covid won’t be the only bump in the road! We want to – and must – keep focused on our core business, the task of educating and nurturing young lives. Providing exceptional pastoral, academic and co- curricular care and opportunities for students who are expected to be engaged and kind is, in a nutshell, our mission. It was Richard Aldworth’s too. As we have journeyed through the centuries, the landscape has changed dramatically, and I have no doubt it will continue to do so. As it does, it is important to have the essentials to hand in order to help us navigate the twists and turns more comfortably and to enjoy the many exciting roads there are to explore! Pete Thomas Headmaster