1646 – Issue 3

2 8 James Fenton, Old Blue (2005) married Laura at St Helens Church, Abingdon, Oxfordshire on Fri 2nd July 2021. In the photograph from left to right are: Simon Fenton (2008) , Paul Siberry (2005) , Chris Gilmer (2005) , Bestman George Fox (2005) , James Fenton (2005) , Laura Fenton (not Old Blue), Laura’s Bridesmaids (not Old Blues). WEDDINGS Aman Dogra (2007) married Natasha on 15 October 2021 in London before heading off to Aruba on honeymoon. Paul Siberry (2005) married Claire in Windsor Parish Church in December 2020 but due to Covid restrictions could only have 15 people and delayed the reception to November 2021 which took place at Stanlake Park Vineyard. Old Blues (2005) in the photo with Claire and Paul are; Chris Gilmer , Pat Leverton , James Fenton , George Fox , Michael Douglas , David Southgate , Cavan Reilly , Hayley Harris , Ben Cameron , Ed Neville-Towle , James Sherwin and Owen Williams . Also, in attendance but not in the photograph was Andrew Kingston (2005) . One of Claire’s bridesmaids, who was also an Old Blue, Hellie Saward (2004) and Catrin Edwards (2004) . We are very sorry to report the death of former members of Staff Norman Pope former teacher of Physics. Norman passed away at home on Friday 5 March 2021 following a short battle with Leukaemia. “Norman taught Physics and served on the Staff from 1971 to 1997, also holding the post of “Head of Science” at a time when the School was much smaller. He would have been heavily involved in the “big move” to the new science laboratories built for the (then new) Gaines Cooper Building. He was a delightful and very interesting man to work with, a true gentleman whose intellectual and scholarly interests ranged far beyond his brief as a science teacher.” (Archivist Peter van Went) Colin Taylor former Maintenance Technician who passed in November last year. “Not only was he a stalwart of the Maintenance Dept., but a man for whom nothing was too much trouble. He was an absolute “rock” when our latest “big move” took place.” (Archivist Peter van Went) Annie Hepburn former Academic Secretary who passed away in December 2021. Annie joined Blue Coat in September 2005 as an Academic Secretary. During her 10 years at the School, Annie also worked as Exams Administrator and 6th Form Administrator before retiring in April 2015, although Annie didn’t retire for long and returned in May 2015 as a casual Exams Invigilator until she retired for good in June 2018. June Smith former Teacher of Physics and Head of Year 12/13 who passed away in August 2021. At a recent memorial service held at the School, Headmaster Pete Thomas commented; “June was a bedrock of the Physics department in her time here, just as she became one in her pastoral role within the 6th Form. There are many anecdotes I could use to illustrate what June meant to so many. Staff, as well as pupils. I could tell you of the OB who commented that they never felt June saw them as lazy or stupid, but always had endless time for them, making them feel so valued. June listened patiently.....whether to struggles with work, the fallout of relationship breakups or working through UCAS applications for medical courses. ‘Even in my gap year after I had left school, Mrs Smith helped me and I will be forever grateful. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her’. Because the pupils knew June genuinely cared for them, parents had huge respect for her too.” Denise Bertram served for many years as Staff Secretary and died on 10 February 2021.