1646 – Issue 3

24 NEWS OF OLD BLUES Congratulations to Political Cartoonist and Illustrator Anthony Garner (1984) on the publication of the latest book he illustrated “Cándido o el optimismo, Ediciones Akal, 2021” Thank you to all those who updated us on their news this year. If you would like to let us know about any specific achievements or births, deaths and marriages, then please contact Louise in the Foundation Office at lms@rbcs.org.uk . To let other Old Blues know about more general updates, please head to Reading Blue Coat Connect ( readingbluecoatconnect.org.uk ) and post an update. NEWS Ed Sinclair (1992) is the writer of Landscapers which has been created as a four-part drama and was aired on Sky Atlantic in December 2021. Ed’s wife, Olivia Colman plays one of the lead roles in the drama. Alok Sharma (1985) had been appointed Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in a 2020 Cabinet reshuffle shortly before taking over the presidency of COP26 and negotiating the recent Glasgow Climate Agreement. He retained his seat in the Cabinet. Julian Walker (1987) Congratulations to Julian, who after many years out of uniform has been appointed Honorary County Colonel for The Rifles Regiment in Berkshire. Dele Rotimi (1990) As of September 2021 Dele was appointed Headteacher of the Aylward Academy in Enfield London, part of the Academies Enterprise Trust. Congratulations to gallerist Robert Diment (1999) on the publication of “Talk Art” in collaboration with actor Russel Tovey, a Sunday Times best seller telling you everything you ever wanted to know about Contemporary Art. The pair also host Talk Art, a podcast dedicated to the world of art featuring exclusive interviews with leading artists, curators & gallerists, and even occasionally their talented friends from other industries like acting, music and journalism. On Sunday 3rd October Nick Price (2002) joined the 50,000 runners taking part worldwide in the Virtual London Marathon pounding the streets in his local area (around south Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire) as a personal challenge to raise vital funds for Alzheimer’s Research UK to help with the pioneering research that this charity is involved with. In September 2021; 5 Old Blues from the class of 2012; Adam James, Will Paige, Rob Emmerson, Jon Weston-Stanley and Nick Brown covered 1,600km (by bike) and 3 of the UK’s largest mountains (by foot) over 2 weeks, in an effort to raise awareness and money for MIND UK. What an incredible challenge for a wonderful cause, they successfully raised £5,900. Well done guys!!