1646 – Issue 3

done an amazing job with this and continues to help in the local community as well which is incredibly important and another unique and rewarding facet of School life. What I would also say is that by investing in someone’s future at Blue Coat, you are investing in the great minds of tomorrow. A young person attending Blue Coat has the opportunity to reach their full potential and go on to great things such as vital medical research, helping to save the planet or even running the country! There will always be something else but to not launch this campaign would imply that we don’t believe it is important and as you can see, we think it is one of the most important things we can do as a School. Development is not just about fundraising though. We want to engage with all of our community and are able to do this through our events programme which includes many reunion events for our Old Blues and we plan to increase this to more business networking events for parents too. When you become a donor, we will also be looking for opportunities to thank you in person and the Headmaster and I will be delighted to do this over the coming months and years. If you would like to know about the ways in which you can help or get involved, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Louise in the Foundation Office. Together, we can make the ‘Defined by Vision, United by Ambition’ campaign a real success and ensure that we give more opportunities to those who truly deserve it. Sarah Bunnell-Pyper Foundation Director Blue Coat flag bearers Announcement made to extend co-ed provision Girls football Team 8 Please scan the QR Code which will direct you to our Campaign page where you can view the Stories of Ambition film, if you are unable to scan the code the website address is www.rbcs.org.uk/united-by-ambition