1646 - Issue 1

What is your role within the School? I have two roles within the School: Associate Chaplain and Maths teacher. I am part of the chaplaincy team at school and work alongside James Stephenson, but both of us have individual roles. I am in school three days a week and am also the Associate Vicar of Sonning parish. I work in the parish on the other weekdays and Sundays. What did you do before working at RBC? I was working full-time in parish ministry in Lincoln Diocese before I moved to Berkshire in August 2017 to embark upon my new roles. Prior to ordination training, I worked in Bolton as a Maths teacher in a Salesian school. I enjoyed parish ministry but missed working in a school environment so my current positions are great as I am able to work in both contexts. Can you describe your job using four words? A privilege, inspiring, challenging and varied. What do you enjoy most about your job? I enjoy the variety it brings. It is a privilege to work as part of this school community and I enjoy the opportunities to build relationships and use my skills to support the School in various ways. I also enjoy doing assemblies and taking a role in school services. It has been great to teach Maths again and to work as part of an inspiring and committed team. What would you say are the biggest challenges of being a school chaplain? Working in any pastoral role can have challenges, particularly as each day is very different. Sometimes it feels as though there are not enough hours in the day, particularly as the role can be unpredictable at times. It is also important to keep a balance between my role in school and the parish. What is your favourite part of the School? I would say it is definitely the chaplaincy area, as this year it has been refurbished and I believe we have the most comfy sofas in the School! What do you like to do when you aren’t working? I love to sing and have recently starting playing netball again. I also like running (but not when it’s too cold!). I am also hoping to complete my MA in Theology in 2019. What is the best thing about working at RBC? I love the school community and have built great relationships with both staff and students. The range of activities that I am able to get involved with is fantastic and some highlights include running the cross country and attending the numerous concerts and shows. I also feel very much a part of the Maths Department and am delighted to be teaching again. A stroll around the School with… Kate Toogood