Watch again: Alok Sharma gives daily government coronavirus update
Please join us in saying thank you to all those who are working tirelessly to help fight Coivd-19 and keep the country running during this unprecedented time.
From NHS workers to our own staff working at the School, whether remotely or at the School itself. There are many in our One Reading Blue Coat Community working around the clock to keep us and our loved ones safe. In the case of Old Blue Alok Sharma (1985) working in the heart of Government as Secretary of State for Business, helping to ensure all businesses are looked after during this uncertain time.
Thank you all for everything you are all doing! Let us know in the comments if there is anyone from our community you know who is working hard for us, we want to show how grateful we all are!
The government gave its daily coronavirus update on the day the UK’s death toll from the virus passed 1,000. Business Secretary Alok Sharma and Professor Ste…