RBCS Race for Life, 30 April 2019
Race for Life Total
Donations from our Race for Life and Non-Uniform Day have now been counted and we are hugely proud to report that the total amount raised was £3046.10 plus an additional £484.00 in Gift Aid. Over £600 more than last year. Thank you 😍
If you would still like to donate, it’s not too late: https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/rbcs-rfl-30-4-2019
#RaceforLife #cancerresearchuk
Thank you for taking the time to visit Reading Blue Coat School’s fundraising page. Cancer is happening right now, which is why we are fundraising for Cancer Research UK. There’s no time to lose! Please donate to Reading Blue Coat School’s fundraising page today and help bring forward the day when…