As Anti-Bullying week gets underway we are pleased to share Year 8, Jai B's thought provoking poem entitled The Invisible War. T…
As Anti-Bullying week gets underway we are pleased to share Year 8, Jai B’s thought provoking poem entitled The Invisible War.
Thanks also go to Callum B-W for his wonderful illustration.
#AntiBullyingWeek #unitedagainstbullying
The Invisible War
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me.
That’s the lie they always tell me
But the truth of it deserts me
The things they say stick in my mind
And keep me turning in bed
They make me not want to go to school
And fill each break-time with dread
My mum says “just ignore them all”
That’s easier said than done
They ruin anything I try and do
And remove any chance of fun.
Nobody wants to stick up for me
Nobody will be my friend
So they keep on laughing and I stay alone
With no-one to help make it end
Maybe I won’t go to school the next day
Or even the day after that
No one will miss me or wish I was there
There can be no doubt about that
Then I told my teacher, and you’ll never guess
They hadn’t known I felt so bad
They helped me feel better, and less afraid
They seemed disappointed and mad
They told me that they would do all that they could
To make all my suffering end
And they made a difference, they helped it change
My teacher was my first friend
They made all the bullies say sorry to me
They made lots of phone calls to home
They kept them all in during break-times, and they
Stopped me from feeling so alone
Sometimes now, people still say nasty things
But it isn’t still day after day
So I can ignore it. Not take it to heart
And not let it get in my way
So if you’re getting bullied, please listen to me
Do not fight the invisible war
Stand up, tell someone, don’t just sit there afraid
And a bully will bully no more.