132 of our Year 9, 10 and 11 pupils sat the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge recently, joining more…
132 of our Year 9, 10 and 11 pupils sat the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge recently, joining more than 250,000 pupils from across the UK. The best performing pupils were awarded certificates for their performance in the one hour challenge:
• 35 achieved a bronze certificate (up from 22 last year)
• 23 achieved a silver certificate
• 11 achieved a gold certificate
The top 12 boys also automatically qualified for the higher rounds of this competition:
• 11 sat the Kangaroo competition (up from 8 last year)
• Year 11 Tom B not only qualified for the Intermediate Maths Olympiad competition, but has also been invited to attend a Maths summer school
UKMT Intermediate Maths Certificates to be awarded:
• Best in School, best in Year 11 and a gold certificate for Tom B
• Best in Year 10 and a gold certificate for Aryam R
• Best in Year 9 and a gold certificate for Samuel N
• Gold certificates for: Sam, Miguel, Ted, Luca, Joel, Ali, Charlie and Ruben
What a great set of results! Congratulations to all.